122 E Bennett St, Buffalo, WY 82834

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Small Groups

We offer a variety of Small Group Programs and Ministries to support our community & bring our church family together. We encourage you to participate...We'd Love to have you!

Women’s Fellowship  | Ongoing Projects | Men’s Breakfast | Adult Bible Study | Worship Committee | Mission Committee | Grounds Committee

Women's Fellowship

The members of Women’s Fellowship seek God’s guidance to ensure that the work we do serves our church and the community in the most effective way. In Jesus’ name, we fellowship. We serve.

Women’s Fellowship is open to all members of the congregation. Our meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month, and we break for the summer months of June, July and August. 

Treats, devotions and programs are provided by members. 

When: 1st Wednesday of the Month

Where: Fellowship Room at 1:30

President: Cheryl Gerard
Vice President: Kathy Reimann
Secretary: Kathleen McPhee
Treasurer: Peggy Bjerke

Our Responsibilities:

• Work closely with the council and support, supplement, commit resources and man power to all committees, projects, and events within Union Congregational Church.
• Purchase and provide necessary kitchen supplies, condiments, and some beverages for regular church use and for many special events when receipts are submitted.
• Participate on the Social Committee with Chairwoman, Kathy Reimann, continuing to organize preparations for funeral receptions and any other fellowship events in the life of the church.
• Reimburse others for Sunday morning coffee hour treats if no one has signed up and an emergency run is made to the grocery store.

Ongoing Projects

• Provide $25 gas cards to the Crisis Center for those in need with our “Change for a Change” jar. All are invited to drop change into the piggy bank located in the Fellowship room to help in this endeavor.

• Maintain an inspirational, devotional, spiritual and religious lending library located on the bookshelves in the Fellowship Room. All are invited to checkout materials and READ! We would also invite anyone to share books, materials and/or book reviews.

• Contribute to Visions Beyond Borders which began as a small ministry specializing in taking Bibles into China and other parts of Asia. As Pat Klein, from Casper, WY, brought Bibles into these countries, he felt a great urge to help the local peoples. The ministry has since grown to support orphaned children, widows, persecuted pastors, and rescue women and children from sex-slavery. 

Women’s Fellowship supports this ministry through donations of personal care/hygiene items, clothing/coats/shoes, baby items, sleeping bags/blankets, sewing machines/notions. These items can be dropped into the box and Shirley Jacobs transports those items to Casper on a regular basis.

Men's Breakfast

8 a.m. on the first Wednesday of every month
The men of Union Congregational Church, St. Luke’s Lutheran Church and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church join together for a Men’s Breakfast now at Southside Grill.

When: 1st Wednesday of the Month – 8 AM

Where: Now at Southside Grill on South Main

Adult Bible Study

Tuesday mornings at 10am.

Adult Bible Study is held every Thursday morning at 10 a.m.. Union Congregational Church, St. Luke’s Lutheran Church and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church are invited to attend.

When: Every Tuesday – 10 AM

Where: St. Luke’s Lutheran

Interested in Participating?

We'd love to have you. Click below to contact us.

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Worship Committee

Help us promote meaningful worship services. The Worship Committee works closely with the pastor in this endeavor.

Regular, On-Going Worship Committee Responsibilities:

  • The committee is responsible for lining up volunteers to read the liturgy each Sunday.
  • We prepare the altar and sanctuary for worship.  This includes seeing that the altar has a floral arrangement pertinent to the season or special service and changing drapes and paraments at appropriate times.  Diana Miller provides beautiful banners which she and Rev. Bob change as needed.
  • Communion set up:  Our thanks again this year for the bread baked by Donna Scantling for communion services.
  • Prayer Chain:  The Prayer Chain is a vital and important part of our church life.  Requests for prayers can be sent to pbjerke64@hotmail.com, called to Peggy Bjerke at 307-217-0677,  called to Rev. Anne Knighten or any member of the Worship Committee. The prayer chain will then be activated.  Our prayer requests are sent to St. Luke’s Lutheran Church to be sent out to their prayer chain.  They forward their prayer requests for us to send out to our prayer list.  If you are not receiving the emailed prayer requests and would like to be added to the mailing, please contact any member of the Worship Committee or Rev. Anne Knighten.
  • Rev. Anne has scheduled and led Bible studies and will continue to do so.

When: 1st Thursday of the Month

Where: Church Conference Room at 10:45

Current Members:
Kathleen McPhee
Diana Miller
Rev. Dr. Bob Miller
Peggy Bjerke
Mary Lett
John Egan

Got an idea or input you'd like to share?

We’d love to hear your thoughts!

If you’ve got ideas for music or other things you’d like to see at our service, please reach out and let us know. Email us at uccuc@vcn.com

Mission Committee

The Mission Committee coordinates the giving and service of Union Congregational Church within our community, our Conference and our world.

The Mission Committee supports Our United Church of Christ and the Montana-Northern Wyoming Conference. We strive to be a 5 for 5 church by contributing Basic Support and holding 4 special mission offerings; One Great Hour of Sharing in March, Strengthen the Church in May, Neighbors in Need in October and The Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross in December.  The monies collected from these offerings plus our basic support goes directly to the conference to be dispersed. Our congregation contributed to Our Church’s Wider Mission. Learn more about these offerings here: www.mnwcucc.org

Our Responsibilities:

  • Monthly donation to Bread of Life Food Pantry to purchase fresh Milk. 
  • Donations of food products to the Bread of Life Food Pantry
  • Delivery of 2 routes of Meals on Wheels every M, W, F during the month of July
  • Monthly gift of grocery cards, gas cards, food, or other support for a Crisis Center adopted family totaling approximately 
  • Donated to the Buffalo Ministerial Association to help with the Transient fund, family assistance needs within Buffalo, and Community Vacation Bible School
  • Assisted the American Legion with the organization and preparation of the Christmas Meals on Wheels feeding 65 people at the Legion on Christmas day, providing a Christmas ornament and a free meal ticket for 45 delivered meal recipients
  • Contributed to various community needs—Johnson County Mentoring Program, Bread of Life Food Pantry Thanksgiving dinners; 45 meals on wheels tickets for Seniors; Compass Center for Families; Hike for Hope Suicide Prevention; Medical Funds and Covid-19 recovery
  • Send flowers during their hospital stays

Current Members:
Cheryl Gerard
Kathleen McPhee
Mary Lett

Interested in Joining Us? We’d love to have you. Email us at uccuc@vcn.com

Grounds Committee

The buildings and Grounds committee is responsible for the general cleanliness and maintenance of the church buildings and grounds. 

We have an annual cleanup-day by church members in May.   Special thanks are extended to all congregation members that do so much to keep our church and grounds in good shape.  Please contact the church council with any additional buildings and grounds concerns or needs.

Our Responsibilities:

  • Arrange for custodial care for the church.

  • Arrange for lawn care and snow removal. 

  • Coordinate cleanup days for the church, when required.

  • Report to the Council monthly on activities, or as events require.

  •  Prepare and present Annual Report to the Congregation.

  • Prepare and present to the Council annual budget request for ongoing and special projects.

Interested in Helping?
We can always use it! Email us at uccuc@vcn.com

Interested in Signing Up?

We'd love to have you. Click the arrow to contact us.